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  • How To Self Publish, A Step-By-Step Course

How To Self Publish, A Step-By-Step Course

Original price was: $699.97.Current price is: $324.97.

Have you ever wanted to self-publish?

Learning how to self-publish my books was essential in becoming a #1 International Bestseller Author; as well as, getting my books stocked in physical bookstores around the world from New York to Dubai. In addition, my books have also been purchased by libraries in various regions. But most importantly, I have been able to make money while achieving these tasks.

I found the KEY…and it all begins with knowing how to self-publish properly.

Unlocking the secrets to self-publishing has definitely brought me to the next level as an author. In fact, learning the dos and don’ts about self-publishing was key in making my dreams come true.

Learn How To Self-Publish. This 6-week course covers what you need to know to take a manuscript to a self-published book. Perfect for beginners or those who struggled with publishing their work in the past, we give you the information you need to publish correctly. Regardless of whether your book is a novel, how-to guide, children’s book, etc., this information applies to all genres. Using the methods presented in this course, your book will be made available for sale in both physical and online stores around the world. The course includes proven strategies that have helped hundreds of authors hit the bestseller list.

Topics covered include:

Time Management

Managing your time and establishing deadlines is key to ensuring you complete the publishing process. This unit will help you establish timelines and habits to help you reach your goals.


The dos and don’ts about editing. Learn how to hire an editor. Editing is essential to presenting a professional final product.

Book Cover and Interior Design

People do judge a book by its cover. This course covers the different self-publishing options from DIY to hiring a design artist. Learn how to pick the proper book cover.


How to price your book to receive the greatest royalties.

ISBN Numbers

Do I need to buy an ISBN number to self-publish? Learn the difference between free, cheap, and buying your own ISBN numbers and how it will affect your distribution and sales.

Printing and Distributing

Make sure you set up printing and distribution properly as a self-publisher. It is important to know the difference between printing and publishing and how both affect the distribution of your book. Who do self-published authors use for printers? We discuss different printing options such as Kdp/Amazon, IngramSPark, Hulu, or printing in China.


The dos and don’ts you need to know when selling on Amazon. Since Amazon is the largest bookstore in the world it is a powerful option for most authors. However, don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Understand how to sell on Amazon while still going wide,  utilizing alternate printing and distributing options.


Social Media & Branding

Learn the different social media marketing platforms from Facebook, Pinterest, Google,  and Twitter. We will help you decide what social media is best for you.


Make money before the book is even published. We discuss how to set up a good pre-launch because they are important to a successful start to your book sales.

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