August 24

Books That Changed My Life: Making Dreams A Reality


Books to Feed Your Soul.

It has been almost exactly one year since I got my hands on the two books that changed my life. They taught me to quit lying to myself and showed me how to make my dreams a reality. At the time of Rachel Hollis' last book launch, I was in Costa Rica and was not 100% sure the books would make it to me if I ordered them from

I could have just downloaded both books onto my tablet, where I could have read them immediately. However, I'm a hardcover junky who likes to display copies of my favorite books on my bookshelf. I had a feeling these books were going to be ones I wanted to hold on to, so I was willing to wait until the local bookstore could get them or I returned to the States. Fortunately, my next trip home was only a few months away. A little over 5 months later, I was holding both hardcovers in my hands.

"Girl, Stop Apologizing: A Shame-Free Plan for Embracing and Achieving Your Goals"

In this book, Rachel discusses the difference between a dream and a goal. She even has a chapter called "Choose One Dream and Go All In." When I read this chapter, I had an epiphany. You know, one of those moments where everything makes sense. I immediately understood the difference between a dream and a goal. Over the last year, I have implemented the tools and teaching that Rachel lays out in this book. They helped keep me on a clear path when setting out to make my dreams a reality.

"Girl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing the Lies About Who You Are So You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be"

You might have guessed it, the next morning started before the sun came up with a fresh pot of coffee and the next book. Right after I opened it, however, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to read it. All 20 chapters start with "The Lie." I thought to myself, “there is no way I lie to myself this much.” She was going to have to be one hell of an author to keep my interest for 20 chapters.

Since I loved her last book and the cover and title looked amazing, I thought what the hell, I'll give it a shot. I broke open the beautiful hardcover and man, I'm really happy I did. I read all morning and late into the night until I could no longer keep my eyes open. After a few hours of sleep, I jumped out of bed at 4 am with a fresh pot of coffee to pick up right where I left off the night before.

These are quick reads; however, I was taking notes and making a game plan as to how I was going to change things in my life. 

I Could not put it Down

After a few coffee pots, I finally finished the whole book. This book is an easy read but can take some time to digest. I realized I had been lying to myself for years and filled a notebook with lists of lies I had been telling myself. I realized these lies were affecting not only my life, but our business too. On a personal level, these lies also affected my family and loved ones. It’s amazing how Rachel not only called me out on my crap but also gave me a road map to help me fix the problem. I was so excited to display both books on my top 5 bookshelf and highly recommend them.

Didn't See That Coming: Putting Life Back Together When Your World Falls Apart."

Shortly after I finished the books, I got an email from Rachel telling me that she just launched her next book, "Didn't See That Coming: Putting Life Back Together When Your World Falls Apart." This time, I quickly jumped online to order my copy, although it cost me $13 more to get to my front door in Costa Rica. I could see it already hit #1 New Release. Way to go Rachel! I can't wait to read it. 

Ordering books in Costa Rica

I will be ordering my copy from It is going to cost me about $13 more than it would in the states to order the Hardcover to my front door in Costa Rica. The real question is, will it actually show up? Stay tuned for a pic of some porch hammock reading if it makes it in August.

P.S. For those of you who don't want to wait for a paperback or hardcover, the book is also available in ebook and audio, so you can access it the minute it launches.


I had a moment of weakness; not wanting to wait for the delivery truck, I bought the Audiobook from It's not for everyone. People who have experienced loss, struggling with life changes from the pandemic, or just struggles in general. She even opens up and talks a little about her divorce.  I know how hard it is to be transparent in difficult times and change. Hat's off to this Rachel Hollis for not listening to the haters and publishing another inspiring book.


Books, Rachel Hollis, Readers, Review

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